Three Types of Executives by James Jaeger
Unfortunately, too many movies are made by throwing money at problems rather than by increasing efficiency. Efficiency begins with you and your executives. Which type of executive will you continue to be?THE TUBE TYPE - uses lots of power to accomplish production and get products, is inefficient and solves problems with force, authority, intimidation and money. This character is usually overly conservative, out-of-date in their thinking, has a lot of fixed ideas and has to always be "right."
THE TRANSISTORIZED TYPE - uses less power than the Tube Type and is much more efficient but is out-of-date and just keeps up with the production quantity and quality necessary to move forward.
THE INTEGRATED CHIP TYPE - is very efficient, gets more done with less money: out-performs both the Tube Type and the Transistorized Type, solves problems with ingenuity, new sources of energy, creativity, care, high responsibility, ethics and innovation. Moves forward with acceleration and gains momentum.
What types do you want to have working with and for you?
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