The Independent Producer's Manualtm
Gain insight into the production of feature films
and how the motion picture industry operates
Raise money from private investors
Develop and acquire screenplays
Package directors and talent
Exact steps of pre, principal and post
Budget low, medium and high
Production management
Sample feature budget
Marketing and releasing
Arrange distribution
The new markets
Table of Contents
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The Independent Producer's Manual is for you if you want to produce and/or direct feature films or simply get an overview of what the movie business is all about.Perhaps you're not sure how to begin or have already produced a feature and want to continue your education. Perhaps you want to produce or finance a feature but hesitate because you don't know how to arrange distribution and marketing. Or maybe you're not sure what your next production, or career, goal should be. The Independent Producer's Manual can help.
Do you know how to option a screenplay or purchase a literary property? Know what to say, where to go? The Indie tells you. Perhaps you have a story idea
(or screenplay) and want to produce a feature based on it - what are your odds of developing it, packaging, selling and financing it? How do you pitch it to studio execs or investors? What do you say - and not say? The Indie gives the details. Interested in developing screenplays that can be shot at certain budget levels or want to make the crossover from series TV, industrials, commercials or videos to features? The Indie is your guide.
How do you establish (more) important connections in the business with talent, directors, agents, studios, etc.? How do you draft feature film budgets? The Indie tells you and even details a financial philosophy that will keep you out of trouble, complete with a sample production budget.
Maybe you're knowledgeable, but not sure how to pull it all together.
Maybe you've dreamed about producing a feature that will generate hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars profit. With the new technologies available and especially the potential of distributing movies over the coming broadband fiber optic Internet - this could happen faster than you think! Get up to date on the emerging foreign markets, raising money through private placements and how the movie industry functions today, and tomorrow.
After reading The Independent Producer's Manual, you'll know how much you want to be in the Biz. This manual is your ON-ramp to a successful film career, to safely producing feature motion pictures, to avoiding the pitfalls and to generating revenues that can amount to millions of dollars. This manual cannot be purchased anywhere else than MOVIE PUBS. Check out The Independent Producer's Manual today!
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